The 2024 SECC Pledge Drive raised over $700,000 for charity!
SECC is so grateful for your support. All your efforts and funding to charitable organizations make a big impact in your communities!
The pledge drive is over, but you can still make a one time donation through debit or credit card. There are over 500 nonprofits to choose from that focus on a variety of needs such as health and wellness, education, clean air and water, service animals, children, hunger, shelter and conservation, just to name a few. With your generous support, our SECC charities will receive the ongoing assistance needed to provide these vital services now and for the future.
With the Arizona charitable tax credits for donations made in 2024, you can donate up to $938* to qualifying charitable organizations and up to $1173** to help foster kids and get all of it back in your Arizona tax refund. Donate to SECC and designate a qualifying charitable organization or qualifying foster care charitable organization and reduce dollar for dollar what you pay in Arizona income tax. For information on the state tax credits and to see a list of SECC charities that qualify click on 2024 Qualifying Charitable Organizations and 2024 Qualifying Foster Care Charitable Organizations.
For a complete list of all SECC approved charities, click here.
Get Started!
State Employees
Two ways to give:
- "Click and Give" using the button below
- Or, print and fill out the SECC Paper Pledge Form, scan it and email to SECC at [email protected].
Thank you for your continued generosity!
SECC PASSWORD: Please note, your SECC password is the same as your YES password. If your password does not work, please reset your YES password and try again. Also, when logging in, please do not use the lead in zeroes when entering your EIN number.
Tax Information
Arizona Charitable Tax Credits
With the Arizona charitable tax credits for donations made in 2024, you can donate up to $938* to qualifying charitable organizations and up to $1173** to help foster kids and get all of it back in your Arizona tax refund. Donate to SECC and designate a qualifying charitable organization or qualifying foster care charitable organization and reduce dollar for dollar what you pay in Arizona income tax. For information on the state tax credits and to see a list of SECC charities that qualify click here.
Previous Donations
To see your previous donations, or to get a receipt for SECC donations, please click here. Log in and select "VIEW PREVIOUS DONATIONS". Click on 2023 to see 2024 payroll deductions.