SECC Kick off Event at Wesley Bolin Plaza
Join your fellow state employees on October 4th as we come together at Wesley Bolin Plaza at the State Capitol to kick off the 2016 State Employee Charitable Campaign! Learn about participating charities, be entered for a chance to win great prizes*, and enjoy refreshments and food trucks.
SECC represents almost five hundred nonprofit organizations and during this event you will have the opportunity to meet with many of them. Attending this event gives you opportunity to learn about new nonprofits, explore causes that you’re passionate about, and discover where your donations go.
Make your pledge on October 4th and be entered for a chance to win a Fitbit Zip or Amazon Fire Tablet. (*Must pledge $52 or more- just $2 per pay period- or bring your confirmation receipt from online registration to be entered into the prize drawing.)
This event is FREE to attend.
For more information, please contact Linda Stiles, SECC Executive Director at 602-542-7770 or [email protected].