Newsletter - November 2014

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April 27, 2022

SECC Campaign Updates

State Employees have donated over $352,000!! There is still time to make your donation. Our official pledge date ends on November 28, 2014. The SECC serves the needs of non-profit organizations in our communities, state, nation and world. We encourage all state employees to become involved in this great cause. You can play a part through payroll deductions, one time gifts, and special events. You may view a list of participating charities and donate online.

Congratulations to Our Secc Weekly Prize Winners

Week 1 - iPad Mini Retina Display 16GB, Cheryl Karp, Dept. of Transportation

Week 2 - Vacation Package (Value up to $400), Rebecca Matthews, Dept. of Economic Security

Week 3 - GoPro Hero 3 White Edition, Brenda Hays, AHCCCS - Samsung Digital Camera, Sharon Lange, AHCCCS

Week 4 - Night out Package (Value up to $400). Winner TBD

Week 5 - HP Chromebook. Winner TBD - U.S. Airways $250 gift certificate. Winner TBD

Eligible employees must donate $52 or more and submit their pledge either online or through the paper pledge form to the SECC office by close of business on Friday of each week. Once $52 or more is donated, an employee's name will remain in the drawing each week. Prizes Donated by the Arizona State Credit Union.

SECC Prize Squad Giveaway

Ten (10) lucky state employee winners will receive a HUGE $500 check from the SECC Prize Squad. The winner will take home $250 and staying true to the SECC mission, the winner will donate the other $250 to an SECC participating charity of their choosing. Prize Eligibility rules are as follows:

Donation of $2 - $4.99 per pay period or $52 - $129.99 annually = 1 entry.

Donation of $5 - $9.99 per pay period or $130 - $259.99 annually = 2 entries.

Donation of $10 or more per pay period or $260 - $999.99 annually = 3 entries.

Donation of $1000 or more annually or 1 hour of pay per pay period = 4 entries (supergivers & leadership givers).

To be eligible for this giveaway, online pledges must be submitted online or paper pledges must be received in the SECC office no later than November 28th, 2014. The ten winners will be drawn by an audited selection process via a random number generator around December 8th, 2014. The winner must be a State of Arizona employee or retiree at the time of the drawing. The prizes are donated by the Arizona State Credit Union.

Volunteer of the Month, Lupita Higuera

Lupita Higuera

Lupita Higuera
Senior Benefits Advisor
Arizona State Retirement System (Tucson)

How long have you participated with SECC and what you like most about it:
Almost 5 years and I enjoy interacting with people from all over Arizona. I serve as the SECC Southern Regional Coordinator.

Volunteer activities:
Assist with neighborhood (HOA) youth activities and after school care at a nearby elementary school.

What you like to do in your spare time:
Play tennis, cook exotic dishes, travel and spend time with family/friends.



Charity Spotlight - Happy Tails Service Dogs

Happy Tails Service Dogs is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that was formed in Phoenix, Arizona in 1996. Happy Tails teaches persons who have physical disabilities and/or a hearing loss how to train their dog to become a service/hearing dog as recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act. All services are free to our students.

Students make a commitment to attend a two hour class each week for a period of approximately fifteen months. Upon completion of the program, the student’s dog will have learned necessary skills which provide increased opportunities for the person with a disability to function more independently in his/her home and community.

Graduate students are given the opportunity to become peer mentors for new students coming into the program and/or participate in presentations which help educate the community on the rights of an disabled individual who uses a service dog. Students who graduate each year are recognized at the annual Christmas party.

Happy Tails relies on the generosity of donations to cover the cost for instructors, interpreters, training tools and some administrative costs. Visit the Happy Tails website for more information. 

SECC Clay Target Fun Shoot

Who: Each year the Arizona Department of Agriculture, Arizona Game & Fish Department and the Arizona Department of Transportation host a clay target shoot at the Ben Avery Clay Target Center sponsored by the Arizona State Credit Union. Our event beneficiaries this year will be the 100 Club of Arizona and Wildlife for Tomorrow.

When: November 17, 2014

What: A full day of clay target shooting competition, silent and live auctions, lunch, and much more.

Cost: Registration is $65 and includes: Range Fees for 25 Trap and 50 Sporting Clays, T-Shirt and Lunch!