SECC Video Fair
Welcome to the SECC Video Fair to view videos from our SECC non-profit charities! Learn about their work, and find out how your support through the campaign makes a difference to their mission and programs.
SECC Passport
TRAVEL (Virtually) around the Fair and let us know which charity videos you stopped in to visit! If you view four or more charity videos during the first week of the pledge drive, October 7th - October 11th, you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a QT or Shell Gift Card to help with your travels. Please let us know which charities you visited by filling out the SECC Passport Google Form.
Join the Fair
Use the filters below to select SECC charity videos. If you do not select a filter, charity videos will be displayed at random.
Children International - Meet Byron, a graduate of Children International’s Into Employment® program. With the job and life skills he learned in the...
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
Founded in 1940, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is the global humanitarian relief agency of The United Methodist Church and is a...
The Salvation Army
Learn more about how The Salvation Army uses donations to help people in need year-round at
America's VetDogs-Veteran's K-9 Corps, Inc.
Paws With A Cause
Mary is a traumatic brain injury and epilepsy survivor who has DAISY as her Service Dog. DAISY helps Mary with lots of tasks, including keeping Mary...
United Way of Northern Arizona
United Way of Northern Arizona 2023 Campaign Video
Save the Children
When you give to Save the Children, you’re investing in a future for every last child. For every dollar you give, 86 cents goes straight to our...
Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation
Learn how Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation is changing the story of foster care in Arizona through our three key impact areas: Keys to...
Action Against Hunger
Hunger is an urgent issue currently affecting one in ten people across the globe. Its key drivers - climate change, conflict, and chronic inequality -...