SECC Video Fair

SECC Video Fair

Welcome to the SECC Video Fair to view videos from our SECC non-profit charities!  Learn about their work, and find out how your support through the campaign makes a difference to their mission and programs.  

SECC Passport

TRAVEL (Virtually) around the Fair and let us know which  charity videos you stopped in to visit!  If you view four or more charity videos during the first week of the pledge drive, October 2nd - October 6th, you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a QT or Shell Gift Card to help with your travels.   Please let us know which charities you visited by filling out the SECC Passport Google Form.

Join the Fair

Use the filters below to select SECC charity videos.  If you do not select a filter, charity videos will be displayed at random.

Displaying 190 - 198 of 225

Boone and Crockett Club

Join the Boone and Crockett Club

Against Abuse, Inc.

A breif insight of Against Abuse, Inc. and our programs.

Center for the Rights of Abused Children

Every year, 675,000 children face abuse in America. 117,000 await adoption, while 22,000 age out without families. We are determined to change this...

Rise Against Hunger

Join us as we celebrate our 25th anniversary at Rise Against Hunger and embark on a journey of real-life impact in Gokwe North, Zimbabwe. Check out...

Camelot Therapeutic Horsemanship

Enjoy this brief peek into what it's like for students and volunteers at Camelot Therapeutic Horsemanship, with music from one of our marvelous...

Lupus Foundation of America

We drive lupus research to deliver the most significant impact on peoples' lives in the shortest time possible. Our focus is on three goals: identify...

Angel Flight West

The impact of our mission is best shared through the testimonials of our passengers. Every day, Angel Flight West’s volunteer pilots fly people to...

Huntington's Disease Society of America

The Huntington’s Disease Society of America is the premier nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of everyone affected by Huntington...

Arthritis Foundation