SECC Video Fair

SECC Video Fair

Welcome to the SECC Video Fair to view videos from our SECC non-profit charities!  Learn about their work, and find out how your support through the campaign makes a difference to their mission and programs.  

SECC Passport

TRAVEL (Virtually) around the Fair and let us know which  charity videos you stopped in to visit!  If you view four or more charity videos during the first week of the pledge drive, October 2nd - October 6th, you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a QT or Shell Gift Card to help with your travels.   Please let us know which charities you visited by filling out the SECC Passport Google Form.

Join the Fair

Use the filters below to select SECC charity videos.  If you do not select a filter, charity videos will be displayed at random.

Displaying 19 - 27 of 225

Colorectal Cancer Alliance

Jeannie Moore, a founder of the Colorectal Cancer Alliance, shares the humble beginnings of the nation's leading nonprofit dedicated to ending...

Seeing Eye, Inc.

Seeing Eye graduate Kathy talks about what it means to have a Seeing Eye dog for her independence and quality of life, and her gratitude for the...

Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation

Imagine being 8 years old when a stranger comes to your home. They tell you that you can't live there any more and take to you live at another...

Elephants, Saving Elephants and Habitat Worldwide

Help the International Elephant Foundation (IEF) preserve Nature's Masterpiece. IEF actively supports conservation, awareness, scientific programs...

UMOM New Day Centers

Founded in 1964, UMOM is located in Phoenix, Arizona and is an innovative provider of shelter, housing and services for people experiencing...

Humane Society of Southern Arizona

Learn more about the Humane Society of Southern Arizona: the pets and people we serve and how your donation will make a difference.

The Centers for Habilitation/TCH

The video was sponsored by the Arizona Lottery and shows our mission in action and how through community support we are able to change the lives of...

Against Abuse, Inc.

A breif insight of Against Abuse, Inc. and our programs.


Ashoka envisions a future where everyone is a changemaker: a world where all citizens are powerful contributors to positive change. Ashoka identifies...