SECC Video Fair

SECC Video Fair

Welcome to the SECC Video Fair to view videos from our SECC non-profit charities!  Learn about their work, and find out how your support through the campaign makes a difference to their mission and programs.  

SECC Passport

TRAVEL (Virtually) around the Fair and let us know which  charity videos you stopped in to visit!  If you view four or more charity videos during the first week of the pledge drive, October 2nd - October 6th, you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a QT or Shell Gift Card to help with your travels.   Please let us know which charities you visited by filling out the SECC Passport Google Form.

Join the Fair

Use the filters below to select SECC charity videos.  If you do not select a filter, charity videos will be displayed at random.

Displaying 28 - 36 of 225

Maggie's Place

Who We Are
On May 13, 2023, we celebrated 23 years of service to our moms, babies, families and community. From one home to five, from hosting five...

Guide Dogs for the Blind

Enjoy this illustrated explainer video about Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB).

At Guide Dogs for the Blind, we believe that everyone deserves to move...

Autism Speaks, Inc

Autism Speaks, Workplace Inclusion Now, Adulting on the Spectrum

Humanity & Inclusion

Our Nobel Prize-winning organization has been hard at work since 1982, helping millions of people through the hardest experiences of their lives and...

Children of the Night

The plight of American children who run away and are exploited by prostitution. 
Children of the Night is a privately funded non-profit organization...

HawkWatch International

This video was made in collaboration with the Natural History Museum of Utah to show you how we care for our Raptor Ambassadors.

Homeless Youth Connection

The Homeless Youth Connection (HYC) video provides information on the services and resources we provide to youth experiencing homelessness in high...

Arizona Food Bank Network

One in ten Arizonans struggle with food insecurity. Help your neighbors across the state thrive by supporting the Arizona Food Bank Network!

Travis Manion Foundation

When military service to our country ends, the call to serve among our veterans remains. TMF provides a way for our nation’s heroes to find renewed...