Thank you for volunteering your time with the State Employees Charitable Campaign! The SECC would not be successful without your help. Below you will find some tools that will help you run the best campaign possible within your agency. If you have any questions, please contact the SECC office at 602-542-7770.
Ambassador Resources
2022 Charity Speakers | Download | |
2024 Ambassador Training Powerpoint pdf | Download | |
Blank Letterhead | Download | |
Cash Handling Procedures | Download | |
SECC I Gave Today Stickers- Avery 5293 | Download | |
SECC Logo | Download |
Archived Files
Ginger's Story- Arizona Humane Society
Dog Rescued From Canal Seconds Before Drowning
It was a hot Saturday afternoon in Phoenix and a stray Australian Shepherd mix roamed the streets searching for a drink of water. Enticed by the flowing water in a canal, the dog leaned over the steep edge in an attempt to quench her thirst. Seconds later, she was swept away by the strong undercurrent, and swimming for her life. A Phoenix Police Officer noticed the dog and pulled his patrol car over to try and rescue her. The police officer called AHS’ Emergency Animal Medical Technicians™ (EAMTs™). The officer held onto EAMT Andy Gallo’s belt as
Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona
Help Improve Living Conditions

Help the Environment

Help Those With Disabilities

Help Working Poor
Interested in the Arizona Helping the Working Poor Tax Credit?
Help Working Poor Flyer
Helping Hands
Helping Our Seniors
Honoring Our Veterans